Connecting The Dots: Climate Change and National Security

Posted by: eric on August 23, 2009 at 10:06 pm

Last week the Truman National Security Project launched “Operation FREE”, in an impressive effort to move and refocus the national security debate to combat our nation’s over reliance on fossil fuels and major security problems caused by climate change. Now, I know some of you maybe wondering, what does climate change have to do with national security policy? Actually, it is pretty simple, if America does not restructure our dependence on fossil fuel energy in a way that also reduces climate change, we will not remain a global power.

Our military will be entrenched in humanitarian missions to save people inundated by floods and earthquakes. Our Navy will lose island bases to sea rise and ports to erosion, our dying electrical grid will remain vulnerable to hackers, and our oil purchases will continue to fund our enemies. The need to act on energy and climate will never menace peace and prosperity with the same emotional urgency as a terrorist attack or the outbreak of war – but the threat is no less grave.

The solution is to create cheap, domestic renewable energy. And that would require us to put aside politics and start working together. This is why the Truman Project is leading a nationwide advocacy campaign to make the national security case for acting on climate change and energy security now.

So why is all this relevant now? The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) will be up for debate in the Senate this September. We expect the same conservative screamers who are shutting down debate on health care to come out in full force. That is why the Truman Project is organizing veterans and progressive groups now, so we can stake out our claim early and be prepared to fight and win.

I am reaching out to you. If you know veterans or progressive organizations that want to weigh in on the climate and energy debate, please contact the National Field Director, Alex Cornell du Houx, at

This is a joint venture between veterans, national security groups and yes, Millennials!

Please join

F- Freedom from fossil fuel dependence

R- Right to affordable clean energy

E- Economic growth

E- Environmental security and renewal

One Response to “Connecting The Dots: Climate Change and National Security”

  1. links for 2009-08-24 - Kevin Bondelli’s Youth Vote Blog Says:

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